Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adventures in Virtual Boy Wario Land

A few weeks ago, I decided to pull out my good old Virtual Boy with the mostly-working screen again for a game of Virtual Boy Wario Land, a classic in its own right. Many consider it not just amazing for a VB game, but of any game system of the time. I happen to own a brokenish copy.

I just figured out how to add alt text. I just love alt text!
For those of you new to my adventures in gaming - my VB's screens have some...problems, as well as the games. I've found out it's mostly just my copies of Mario Clash and VB Wario Land, the games I play most often. I played Mario's Tennis some time ago and found the graphics to be quite perfect for the most part in comparison to what I'd seen playing MC and VBWL.
I'm just now experimenting with alt text in this post. I don't know if it'll show up, the preview of the post doesn't register pictures the same way a published post does.
By the way - If I take pictures with the 3DS cameras aligned to the VB screens best I can get them to, this is the result when I get the 2D versions of the pictures.
Seriously, what level is that? There's probably something in the HUD, but my 3DS' camera quality obscures it...
Wherever I left off, I had finished the level.

Graphical errors like this pop up in my Virtual Boy so often...
Ok, up to the middle screen that displays between levels.
What a Virtual Boy's display looks like is something that seriously needs to be seen to be believed.
Here's what the screen looks like.
That lighting shouldn't be possible...if you've looked into a VB, this picture will confuse you.
Here's a close-up. How that lighting occurred inside a Virtual Boy, in a relatively dim room at that, I have absolutely no idea. 

I can hardly tell what anything is...
This was supposed to be a picture of where I am in the levels, but it's too blurry to tell.
Can you see those red eyes in that hole to the left of Wario? WATCH OUT FOR THOSE.
What is this picture of again? I think it's somewhere in 1-3.
I can't remember nor tell from the picture what that artifact is...
I found a treasure! I originally had another one, but I got a Game Over or something. Here's how to get it:
Is that Mini Wario?
Part 1. This is near the end of level...1-3 I think it is? Go through that passageway at the left end of the screen.
I had to pause and then take a picture super fast for some of these - I didn't want to risk losing time. VB Wario Land has a timer. I'm not sure what happens when time runs out - do you just lose the bonus, or do you die?
Ok, it takes you to this room. See where Wario is standing? The treasure is in the corner to the right of him.
I love Wario's pose here.
I think this is a picture of the 1-3 completed midlevel.
The beginning of the boss level is super cool.
Finally, I got to the first boss battle! I was stuck on 1-2 for so long, but now I'm at 1-4...I tried beating the boss, but it's too hard for me. What is wrong with me, I can't even beat the first boss...
Ok, that's it for this time. I hope I stop sucking at VB Wario Land soon.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Ok, I've started this blog.

As you know, I said long ago in my other blog that I'd make 3 separate blogs for LBP2, retrogaming, and miscellaneous stuff. I've sorta done that. I only made this one like a few retrogaming posts after I said I would, being the procrastinator. My misc. one is the old one. The one for LittleBigPlanet 2 exists, but it's only a wiki blog so it's like I never made one.


Misc.: Here
Retro: (You're already here)
LBP2: Here

Ok, that's it for now, I'll update when I get some more stuff. Since I spent all my money at SacAnime, I have yet to get money to buy more games... well, welcome to the new blog since I never said that.