A few weeks ago, I decided to pull out my good old Virtual Boy with the
mostly-working screen again for a game of Virtual Boy Wario Land, a classic in its own right. Many consider it not just amazing for a VB game, but of any game system of the time. I happen to own a brokenish copy.
For those of you new to my adventures in gaming - my VB's screens have some...problems, as well as the games. I've found out it's mostly just my copies of Mario Clash and VB Wario Land, the games I play most often. I played Mario's Tennis some time ago and found the graphics to be quite perfect for the most part in comparison to what I'd seen playing MC and VBWL. |
By the way - If I take pictures with the 3DS cameras aligned to the VB screens best I can get them to, this is the result when I get the 2D versions of the pictures. |
Wherever I left off, I had finished the level. |
Ok, up to the middle screen that displays between levels. |
Here's what the screen looks like. |
Here's a close-up. How that lighting occurred inside a Virtual Boy, in a relatively dim room at that, I have absolutely no idea. |
This was supposed to be a picture of where I am in the levels, but it's too blurry to tell. |
What is this picture of again? I think it's somewhere in 1-3. |
I found a treasure! I originally had another one, but I got a Game Over or something. Here's how to get it: |
Part 1. This is near the end of level...1-3 I think it is? Go through that passageway at the left end of the screen. |
Ok, it takes you to this room. See where Wario is standing? The treasure is in the corner to the right of him. |
I think this is a picture of the 1-3 completed midlevel. |
Finally, I got to the first boss battle! I was stuck on 1-2 for so long, but now I'm at 1-4...I tried beating the boss, but it's too hard for me. What is wrong with me, I can't even beat the first boss... |
Ok, that's it for this time. I hope I stop sucking at VB Wario Land soon.