Now that I can retrieve media from my 3DS much more efficiently, I have some pics\vids for you.
Yes, this happened! A long time ago though. |
I've never been able to do this, except once or twice...same goes for the Mappy bonus round. |
I haven't played Galaga in a while, come to think of it. The Famicom's been distracting me from every other retro system.
Also, I'd like to exhibit some of the many glitches you find with old systems:
Yeah, what the heck right? LoZ has given me much weirder before.
This was also weird.
My Famicom games usually come in need of cleaning - Dr. Mario and Xevious(read on!) didn't even
start before a rigorous cleaning session. Mario Bros. worked, but had some weird pro pros at first.
I mentioned Dr. Mario is one of the happenings.
This one was a while's never happened again. Yeah, my SMB is pretty glitchy. One time when it has, thankfully, worked well was when I beat it recently. I have a video of that, in fact, but on VHS. Yeah.
--Non-glitch topic--
So, the Super Famicom. Right?
I got it a while back and always forget about it...anyway here's pix
The thing itself. Luckily, I got it with everything I needed- controller, AV, power(the power thing looks just like the FDS power thing for some reason...). Also, I think my 3DS might be taking smaller pictures...this is the new original size. |
The first 2 games I got for it. I got them as a set, actually. |
Unfortunately, SMK seems to be broken...the track won't render. F-Zero is also weird - it's possible to play, but the track looks REALLY weird. I should take a video.
Also - when moving a TV a while back, I crushed the SFC's AV jacks(TV end)...AUGH. At least there are a few solutions.
(-Borrow NES\FC RF switch
-Use another Nintendo AV thing[SNES through GC are all the same{why did they change it for the Wii?}]
-Just get a new one)
Next time - I probably talk about Famicom games.