I haven't posted here in a while. Merry Christmas! Happy late new year! Happy Thanksgiving! Happy Halloween? Happy birthday to my little brother! Happy groundhog day! Happy birthday to my other brother! Happy birthday to another brother! (No kidding.) And probably more. This is a big write-up of my retro antics since my last post. A lot's happened. Not in the pictures: I finally got to world 2 of VB Wario Land!! Turns out, to beat that boss, you just dodge its attacks, and when you can, jump on it. Do that three times. I think 3 is just a rule-bound recurring number in these games. Three lives, three hits to beat the boss, sometimes three levels to a world. Anyway, enough with the text. Onto pictures that anyone can see!.....Accompanied by caption text.
Topic 1: Misc. Stuff
I'm splitting this post into topics like in its Not Epic But Awesome (NEBA for short) equivalent.
Once a friend and I played Pinball and got a lot of super bonus stuff. It ended in these guys replacing the normal penguins. |
Looks like we even got 333 lined up. |
Great story here. Does ROB look a little different from the last post he was in(which, sadly, was a while ago)? If so, that's because he actually is. If not, please go and check again. Why? Turns out, he's secretly been wearing sunglasses the entire time! Major discovery! Apparently, ROB (and probably Famicom Robot) units came with special sunglasses to be fitted over the eyes in the case of overly bright light. I guess my unit's previous owner had a very bright TV. Anyway, I found out because one day, I was bored and searched for 'robotic operating buddy' or something on eBay. Some of the listings were for his sunglasses, which I'd never seen before in other searches. I did some looking and found out about them. My ROB had always had hard-to-see eyes and no ridges in between, so I figured it was wearing sunglasses. I took my Gunpla-decal-ing tool and pried them off. To my glee, I was right! He looks way cooler with them off. (Related link here. See the end of the 2nd paragraph. http://everything2.com/title/R.O.B.) |
I found a Famicom in Moonphase. Details at NEBA. |
I got this game called Scoot Or Die - Bad'N'Rad from Goodwill for like $7-8. Sounds like a crappy deal, right? It's actually worth a buck more than I paid according to rarityguide.com. It's also a pretty cool game. |
Topic 2: Dimple Records
On Boxing Day(look at your calendar), I and some family members went to Dimple Records, a cool place to buy used DVDs, games (retro and new!), some new toys and board games, and more. Before that, we'd gone to A-1 Comics, where I got an MG Gunpla (see NEBA) with my new $100(!!). I had enough left to get some MSG(as in Gundam, not bad things to put in food) on DVD and a game. Actually, the game was a different trip. These pics are from one of those trips, except for the Jack Nicklaus stuff.
I found some real nice games in the GBA racks. Here's two Super Mario Advances. |
Even a Namco Museum(50th anniversary)! Unforgivable! (Referring to whoever got rid of the game) That game has like 10 games in it! I would've bought it if I had the money! (Sorry about the angle, I was taking this pic more for my 3DS than the blog) |
Classic NES Series - Pac-Man. OK, I say it's possible for someone not to want this game. Why did the NES/FC Pac-Man have the colors it has? The fruits are monochrome and the ghosts have two colors each, despite the hardware allowing for 3 colors to an object. |
Pac-Man Collection! Another one that they should've kept for road trips. |
Super Mario World and Namco Museum. How do you give up Super Mario World? |
Now onto the Jack Nicklaus part. I got this game at Dimple as I said before. Turn out, it's kinda good and kinda lame. |
Here's what I think is a Let's Play video. It's split into two parts because my 3DS stops at 10 minutes. Why am I now able to record multiple 10-minute videos as you'll see later? I got a new SD card with 8x the space of the one that came with my 3DS. Details at NEBA. Unfortunately, the first section caused an upload error with Blogger, so I'm uploading it in a compilation of the two parts to YouTube.
Here's a link.
Topic 3: Old Town Pizza (OTP for short[Not to be confused with One True Pairing])
Old Town Pizza, a pizza place in the city I live in, has this awesome cocktail-style Ms. Pac-man/Galaga 25th anniversary machine. But for whatever reason, they at one point converted it to an "iCade" multigame thing with an LCD monitor. I play it just about every time I go. It saves high scores, even!
It even has the Japanese release of 1943. |
.JPG) |
Here's what it looks like. |
Whose high score is this? |
Oh, that's right. Mine. |
Now another one. |
I didn't beat my best, but I beat my second best. |
Now whose high score is this? |
Oh, that's right. Also mine. |
Same here. (What's with the sidewaysness?) |
Not mine. I'm not a big Qix fan. |
Topic 4: Goodwill Namco Plug'N'Plays
Sometimes I get stuff from Goodwills, like the Hyperscan. Since the last post, I got two Namco Plug'N'Plays. One was the famous Jakks Ms. Pac-Man one, and the other was an unfamiliar one.
Here they are side by side. Left: The crazy glitchtown oddball on drugs. Right: The Ms. Pac-Man one. We'll be looking at the broken one first. |
Here's what the side looks like. |
This is the menu. |
Does this look like normal Dig Dug to you? It might be a little different. |
And by a little, I mean a lot. What the crap? This pictures still doesn't do it justice. I'm attaching a video below. |
I think this video includes me talking, but I'm not sure. I know the (New?) Rally-X one does and maybe Pac-Man. Warning: I'll most likely sound like a dork in his and following videos. Next, (New?) Rally-X.
Unfortunately, the Pac-Man video caused an upload error with Blogger, so I'm uploading it to YouTube.
Here's a link.
Here's the side of the Ms. Pac. |
Note the $3^00 written in marker on top. Somehow, this great working one cost less than the crazy one. |
At first, this one was glitchy too (see that green side?) to a scary extent. I tried to start Mappy, then it started, but the colors were mesed up and this one weird sound kept playing. When Goro or Mappy (I forgot which one it was, maybe Goro I think) reached the edge of the screen during the opening thing, the graphics glitched and the music stopped with the noise still playing. |
Either something's wrong here, or I'm proud I got to round 8. I don't remember. |
Wahoo! High score! |
This is just a video of the name entry.
Another glitch - a white roof. |
In level 1, apparently. |
Here's a 2-part playthrough of the games on it. I had it all in a half-hour-video, but it caused an upload error, and I couldn't get it on YT because of the length. I'd just increase the maximum length, but that requires verifying a phone number, and I don't have a cell phone. I split that video in 2 at around the 15-minute mark (in case there was another error) and these were the result.
OK, that's about everything that happened for now. Well, everything that belongs here anyway. Thanks for following this blog.
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