Wednesday, January 21, 2015

One new thing or two...

SO SORRY for the lack of updates, here and on my normal blog >.<
I have lots of new stuff since last, but here I'm just going to do a quick recap instead of my normal in-depth thing.
    -For Christmas, I got Lode Runner for the NES. It's a nice game.
    -I have obtained a working Super Famicom with F-Zero, Star Fox, and Super Mario Kart. For some reason F-0 is pretty weird, the track renders oddly, I will have to troubleshoot it. Also, SMK doesn't register the track any more, which is weird. It used to do that, but not now...lame.
    -I have bought a WORKING, NEW BELT(aw yiss) Famicom Disk System with a disk containing SMB2(not sure if this is the actual FC SMB2 or just SM USA, I'll be happy for either) as well as cartridge copies of Mario Bros. and Dr. Mario. (Apparently there's no disk version of Dr. Mario that I found. Weird.)
    -I have got the Famicom working! Here I'll tell the story. Just this once.
So when I bought the FDS(which was in the middle of class, actually - I had spare time in IED and was browsing eBay), I realized later that it would be near useless without a working Famicom. Thus begun my quest to fix the Famicom. I had the idea that maybe I could buy a broken one online for cheap and mix together parts to get one working Famicom with some spare parts. Good idea, right? I even thought I knew which part was bad. (Since the odd ripply B&W effect was mainly visuals, I figured it was the PPU.) But my parents advised I ask online before buying more crap. Also a good idea. So off I internet'd to Famicom World(I so should have made an account earlier, it's a really great forum) and asked away in Technical Repair\Assistance. The best reply I got said to jiggle some part of the RF switch. I didn't think that would do anything, but I hadn't tried before. I tried that, of course it didn't work. But then, to see if the RFS was really the problem, I tried mixing things up with working parts - the SFC, a working console that could use RF, the NES, another, and the NES RF switch. Combos:
SFC, NES RF, TV 2 = bad
SFC, Famicom RF, TV 2 = bad
SFC, AV, TV 2 = good
NES, Famicom RF, TV 1 = good
NES, NES RF, TV 1 = good (Why did I even try this one?)
FC, Famicom RF, TV 1, = bad
FC, NES RF, TV 1 = bad
    All the bad hookups had one thing in common: A JP system using RF. Looking online, sure enough, US and JP have very different frequencies. Something said to turn to around channel 96, so I tried that. At first it was the same crap results I got from channel 6, which is what I used before(it gave the closest results). I fiddled with the CH1-CH2(or whatever it says) switch, trying to get a good channel, until I accidentally, as I remember it, got the switch stuck between the two channels. It worked! Somehow. All the games worked like perfectly(and still do[although that doesn't say much considering this whole episode was just days ago]), except one which was probably a dud anyway as it showed a gray screen.

    So there you go. I think I've gotten some high scores too probably, but ww\eh. I hope to update soon with pictures! (Which are now much easier to get! Not only did I get an SD-USB adapter[which is currently lost actually], but I now have a phone, and its photos are much easier to export.)

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